

Guarantee best career opportunity

97% students enrolled with GlobCred secure admissions in highly ranked universities or land into their first job because of their unbeatable profiles.

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The Challenge Today

The number of applications in top global schools in the last decade have increased by 40% whereas acceptance rate has come down from 12 to 6% making it extremely difficult to get a quality admission

Globally partnered with universities across

USA, Canada, Dubai, United Kingdom and Europe

Enhance your profile with GlobCred experiential virtual internships

Meticulously designed virtual internships and courses to help you in career advancement.

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Our students present across all countries

How it works


Sign up and create your account.


Explore valuable virtual internships, in-demand STEM courses, comprehensive test preparation courses that interest you.


Gain valuable experience, knowledge and earn dual certificates from GlobCred and European Union Global Universities.

Launch Your Career

With Virtual Internships, you’ll gain valuable skills and knowledge from top companies worldwide, all from the comfort of your own home. Your Virtual Internship is like an extended interview, with major growth and learning outcomes and the potential for further opportunities upon completion.


Global Internship


In-demand Skills


Industry Veterans

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Ready to have an unbeatable profile and get into your dream university? Join our courses TODAY!